About Ephinea
Ephinea is a PSOBB server that aims to replicate the official SEGA experience, while also adding quality of life changes alongside extra features to spice up PSO and give it more of a modern feel. This means:- Experience rates are default.
- Drop rates are default.
- Rare enemy rates are default.
- Class parameters are default.
- Item parameters are default, with some minor exceptions.
- There is no custom equipment.
List of Changes and Features
Removal of load screensThe vast majority of load screens have been removed from the game! Enjoy seamless, un-interrupted gameplay on Ephinea! For those that prefer the loading screens, the commands /slowburst and /burstpref can be used to bring the loading screens back.
Extra hotkeysThe Ctrl 1-0 hotkeys are available on Ephinea for use, giving players a total of 26 palette slots! To use Ctrl 1-0, assign the 1-0 keys through the back palette on the customize screen.
Damage Cancel RemovalDamage Cancel has been eliminated.
Individual Drop SystemPlayers may now choose to play with a modern drop system that drops items individually instanced for each player in the game instead of shared drops.
Shared Experience SystemPlayers may choose to make their games with a modern experience system that grants experience to all players in the vicinity. Worry less about tagging, worry more about contributing!
Multi-language Support for English and JapaneseAll major content in the game, plus many custom quests, are available in both English and Japanese!
Anguish LevelsAnguish levels are an optional boost in difficulty for players who seek a challenge from monsters past what they’re normally capable of in the classic Ultimate mode. With each Anguish level, monster parameters such as damage, HP, and resistance are increased. Also with each Anguish level, the amount of experience, meseta and chance to find rare items is increased. Give it your all for more fun and better rewards!
32 Character SlotsEphinea offers each game account with 32 character slots instead of the standard 4. To switch between the characters displayed on your account, there is a drop-down menu in the top right of the launcher, or you may type “/cbank 1-8” in-game.
Full Dressing RoomEphinea provides the full dressing room allowing you to change any aspect of your character after creation!
Common BankThere is a common bank that can be accessed by all 32 characters on your account. This can be accessed by typing “/bank” in-game to switch between the two banks.
Bank Meseta Limit IncreaseYour banks can now hold up to 999,999,999 meseta.
Stackable Common ItemsMaterials and Grinders will stack to 99 in the inventory and bank.
Fully functional Challenge and Battle ModesChallenge and Battle Modes are fully functional here with no bugs.
Choose your Section IDAfter your character is created, you may switch your character’s ID before level 20, to get the ID you want with the name you want. Use the command “/modsecid Viridia” (where Viridia is the ID you want to change to), instead of giving your character a name you may not want.
Change your character name freelyIf you feel like you named your character incorrectly, or you just wish to change their identity, you can use the command “/modname” to change your character’s name to whatever you desire!
Rare Drop notificationsWhen a red box drops, you will hear a sound notifying you that one has dropped, along with a red dot on the minimap so you know exactly where it is.
Various Game ModesEphinea offers players extra game modes to experience PSO in different ways. You can find information about them on the Account Modes page.
Daily Luck SystemEvery day, certain class, race and sex combos may receive a drop rate increase.
Ragol Boost RoadEvery week, a certain set of quests will be featured with increased drop rates and rare rates. Play with other players to increase your drop rate even more!
LeaderboardsA set of leaderboards are available on the website which shows you the people who have achieved the most!
Custom QuestsEphinea offers a sleuth of custom quests, some unavailable elsewhere. You will be able to find information about them below.
Rotating Boost SystemEvery week, a certain rate will be boosted to change things up. These rate increases vary from Drop Rate, Rare Enemy Rate, Rare Drop Rate and Experience Rate. If you don’t like boosts, you may always turn them off by playing Purist Mode!
Static Tool ShopThe tool shop will display all mates, fluids and atomizers at once, meaning you will never have to reset the shop for what you want again.
Solo’able multiplayer mapsQuests and maps with doors that require 2 players to open will no longer require extra players, and may be played alone. Furthermore, all quests are available in both multiplayer and One Person mode, so you don’t have to feel punished for playing something you want to play!
Varied EventsAt different points of the year, events will take place where you’ll be able to gain extra items for your character. Each event will be unique in its own way!
Lobby JukeboxThe lobby features a jukebox option at the counter, allowing you to change the lobby music for you and others there, meaning you’ll be able to socialise to music other than the default lobby music.
Adjustable BGM and SE levelsBGM and SE levels are adjustable in-game at the lobby counter and via server commands “/bgm” and “/sfx” (from 0 to 10). You can also adjust the volume for both through the launcher instead of only having the option to turn on/off.
Downloadable Character DataIf you’re worried about the private server going down and losing your data, have no fear as you will be able to download your character data at any point, which can be transferred into any other Tethealla server.
Slow Gibbles Spawn fixSlow Gibbles spawning behavior will now be reset on finishing a game, rather than having to close the client!
XInput SupportControllers that support XInput now have native access to the left and right triggers ingame!
Item Pickup and PB UsageItem Pickup and Photon Blasts can be configured to avoid taking up slots on your palette unless a key or button is held. Say goodbye to the days of accidentally using a PB or picking up an item when trying to attack!
Equipment Changes
- No class restrictions on mags.
- No class restrictions on Bunny Ears and Cat Ears.
- Clio can be equipped by HUnewearl.
- EXP Steal specials can only drain a limited amount of experience per enemy.
Custom Quest List
Episode 1
– Extermination- Sweep-up Operation #1 – by Ender
- Sweep-up Operation #2 – by Ender
- Sweep-up Operation #3 – by Ender
- Sweep-up Operation #4 – by Ender
- Scarlet Realm #1 – by Esther
- Scarlet Realm #2 – by Esther
- Scarlet Realm #3 – by Esther
- Scarlet Realm #4 – by Esther
- Anomalous Ordeal #1 – by Ender
- Anomalous Ordeal #2 – by Ender
- Silent Afterimage #1 – by No Hit
- Silent Afterimage #2 – by No Hit
- Random Attack Xrd Stage – by Namakemono
- Random Attack Xrd REV 1 – by Ender
- Maximum Attack E: Episode 1 – by Matt
- Forsaken Friends – by Heloise/Aleron Ives/Lee
- Rescue from Ragol – by Tofuman
- Tyrell’s Ego (Eden’s Saviour) – by Tofuman
- Simulator 2.0 – by RikaPSO
- Mine Offensive – by RikaPSO
- Endless: Episode 1 – by Alisaryn
- Christmas Fiasco – by Heloise/Lee (Event Only)
- Maximum Attack E: Forest – by Matt (Event Only)
- Maximum Attack E: Caves – by Matt (Event Only)
- Maximum Attack E: Mines – by Matt (Event Only)
- Maximum Attack E: Ruins – by Matt (Event Only)
- December Disaster #1 – by Ender (Event Only)
- Knight of Coral – by Namakemono
Episode 2
– Extermination- Gal Da Val’s Darkness – by RikaPSO
- CAL’s Clock Challenge – by Lemon
- Sweep-up Operation #5 – by Ender
- Sweep-up Operation #6 – by Ender
- Sweep-up Operation #7 – by Ender
- Sweep-up Operation #8 – by Ender
- Sweep-up Operation #9 – by Ender
- Penumbral Surge #1 – by Esther
- Penumbral Surge #2 – by Esther
- Penumbral Surge #3 – by Esther
- Penumbral Surge #4 – by Esther
- Penumbral Surge #5 – by Esther
- Penumbral Surge #6 – by Esther
- Random Attack Xrd Stage – by Namakemono
- Random Attack Xrd REV 2 – by Ender
- Maximum Attack E: VR – by Matt
- Maximum Attack E: Gal Da Val – by Matt
- Revisiting Darkness – by Ilitsa/RikaPSO
- Dolmolm Research – by Ulrich von Hall
- Lost SHOCK RIFLE – by Ender
- Lost BIND ASSAULT – by Ender
- Lost FILL CANNON – by Ender
- Lost DEMONS RAILGUN – by Ender
- Lost CHARGE VULCAN – by Ender
- Raid on Central Tower – by RikaPSO
- Military Strikes Back – by Cry0/Lee
- Twilight Sanctuary – by Esther
- The Gloom Spire – by Esther (Sandbox only)
- Christmas Fiasco – by Heloise/Lee (Event Only)
- Maximum Attack E: Temple – by Matt (Event Only)
- Maximum Attack E: Spaceship – by Matt (Event Only)
- Maximum Attack E: CCA – by Matt (Event Only)
- Maximum Attack E: Seabed – by Matt (Event Only)
- Maximum Attack E: Tower – by Matt (Event Only)
- Rappy Halloween – by Alisaryn (Event Only)
- December Disaster #2 – by Ender (Event Only)
- Knight of Coral Advent – by Namakemono
- A New Hope – by Cry0/Lee
Episode 4
– Extermination- Sweep-up Operation #10 – by Ender
- Sweep-up Operation #11 – by Ender
- Sweep-up Operation #12 – by Ender
- Sweep-up Operation #13 – by Ender
- Sweep-up Operation #14 – by Ender
- Maximum Attack E: Episode 4 – by Matt
- Random Attack Xrd REV 4 – by Ender
- Lost BERSERK BATON – by Ender
- Lost SPIRIT STRIKER – by Ender
- Christmas Fiasco – by Heloise/Lee (Event Only)
- Maximum Attack E: Crater – by Matt (Event Only)
- Maximum Attack E: Desert – by Matt (Event Only)