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Typically, enemies are confined to the rooms they spawn in. They won’t follow you past an energy barrier or door that you can pass through.

Phantasy Star Online - Forest - A HUcast standing in front of a barrier.


Running into a room with enemies will instantly alert them to your presence and they’ll immediately begin to charge towards you.

Phantasy Star Online - Forest - A HUcast has been spotted by a Booma.


It’s them or you… Quickly begin engaging them with your weapon combos or force techniques!

Phantasy Star Online - Forest - A HUcast attacking a Booma.


Once you have defeated a foe, you will gain some experience points.

Phantasy Star Online - Forest - A HUcast receiving experience from a defeated enemy.


Sometimes, they even drop an item or equipment.

Phantasy Star Online - Forest - A HUcast standing on top of an item drop.


We’ll get back to that in a second. But, defeat enough enemies and rack up enough experience and you will level up!

Phantasy Star Online - Forest - A HUcast leveling up.


When you level up, you gain automatic stat increases to your character, defined by the character class you chose when you created it. Defeat more enemies to become stronger.

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