Ephinea has a lot of commands you can type in-game to customize your experience or perform certain actions. Here is a list of most server commands (You can use /help to see more in-game):


Displays the following information about the current party:

  • Experience Rate
  • Experience Share Settings
  • Drop Rate
  • Rare Drop Rate
  • Drop Style
  • Section ID
  • Anguish Level

/setname x

Change’s the party’s name. 12 characters maximum.

/setpass x

Change the party’s password. Leave clear to remove. 16 characters maximum.


Returns you to the lobby.


Forces classic drop style with experience share off, along with 1x rates.


Enables a PvP flag in your current game. All players must have this enabled.


Displays SPECIAL WEAPON names on pickup.


Displays kill counters for unsealable items.


Toggles between character and common banks.

/cbank x

Changes characters displayed at login. There are 8 “character banks.”


Displays the current luck forecast.


Displays your current luck level.


Disables any luck boosts in your games.


Displays the currently boosted Ragol Boost Road quests for the week.

/modname x

Changes your character name. 10 characters maximum.

/modsecid x

Changes your Section ID. This command can only be used prior to level 20, one-time only.


Displays your character’s material usage.


Resets your character’s material usage (excluding HP/TP).


Deletes the current character’s Challenge Mode data.


Shows only joinable games at the counter.


Check your ping to the current ship.


Displays the current time in UTC.

/lang x

Sets the current language to English (1) or Japanese (2) for quests.

/bgm x

Sets background music volume. Ranges from 0 to 10.

/sfx x

Sets sound effect volume. Ranges from 0 to 10.


Enables or disables monster HP bars. On by default.


Sets monster HP bar parameters to default.

/mobhpfilled RRGGBB

Sets monster HP bar filled colour. RRGGBB refers to the colour hex value.

/mobhpfilling RRGGBB

Sets monster HP bar filling colour. RRGGBB refers to the colour hex value.

/mobhpdamage RRGGBB

Sets monster HP bar damaged colour. RRGGBB refers to the colour hex value.

/starttimer x

Starts a simple timer. If x is defined, the timer will countdown from the amount of seconds defined by x.


Freezes the currently displayed timer.


Destroys the currently displayed timer.


Reveals a destroyed timer.

/registertimer x,y,z

Creates a timer on standby waiting for register y to be set. The timer will automatically freeze once register z has been set. If x is set, the timer will count backwards from x number of seconds to 0.

/zonetimer x,y,z,r

/zonetimer x,y,z,r – Immediately starts a timer waiting for room z of floor y to be cleared. If r is set, the timer is created on standby, waiting for register r to be set before counting. If x is set, the timer will count backwards from x number of seconds to 0.


Toggles server-side damage cancel mitigation measures on or off.


The current room will have load screens enabled for all players (leader-only).


Enables all loading screens for the player in both the lobby and games that they are leading.


Toggles certain keyboard shortcuts for your character. This command is saved per character.

CTRL+H for /hud

CTRL+C for /cam

CTRL+M for /map

CTRL+L to reload effectparam.txt in the root EphineaPSO folder.

CTRL+B to toggle the ingame bloom shader.

CTRL+O to toggle and change the level of the ingame ambient occlusion shader.

CTRL+F to toggle the ingame depth of field shader.

CTRL+T to toggle the ingame tonemapping shader.


Toggles display of the HUD. When the HUD is not visible, you cannot see what you type. If /shortcuts is enabled on your character, pressing CTRL + H has the same effect. The HUD is always restored when returning to the main menu.


Toggles manual control of the ingame camera. When manual control is enabled, holding Mouse1 allows free look. Mouse2 and Mouse3 are used to move the camera forward and backward, respectively. If /shortcuts is enabled on your character, pressing CTRL + C has the same effect. Automatic control of the camera is always restored when returning to the main menu.


Toggles display of a larger, higher area version of the minimap. If /shortcuts is enabled on your character, pressing CTRL + M has the same effect. The minimap is always restored when returning to the main menu.


Resets one-person mode story progress. (Devaloka ship only.)


Enables or disables party and server-wide banner for rare items you find.


Enables or disables rare item banners.

Sandbox only commands


Instantly gives you 100 PB.

/sd x

Gives you Shifta and Deband of a specified level. (SD level max value is 81.)

/sdall x

Gives the party Shifta and Deband of a specified level. (Party leader only, SD level max value is 81.)

/sethp x

Sets your HP to a specific value.

/getregister x

Gets the current value of a specific quest register.

/syncregister x,y

Syncs the value of a specific quest register between all party members.

/setregister x,y

Sets the current value of a specific quest register.

/readglobalflag x

Gets the current value of a specific global flag.

/syncglobalflag x,y

Syncs the value of a specific global flag between all party members.

/writeglobalflag x,y

Sets the current value of a specific global flag.


Enables “Red box” mode. (Every enemy will always drop their rare item drop.)


Allows you to acquire an S-Rank after completing the next challenge map.

/item x,y,z,a

Creates an item that appears on the ground before you.

/give x,y,z,a

Creates an item that appears directly in your inventory.

/warpme x

Warps you to a specific map.

/warpall x

Warps everyone to a specific map. (Party leader only.)


Enables or disables one hit kills.

/givexp x

Gives you a specified amount of experience.

/addmeseta x

Adds a specific amount of meseta to your character.

/levelup x

Instantly levels you up to the specified level.